About Us...

Who Are We?

We’re Jim and Michelle. For over 20 years we lived in an amazing 3300 square foot Victorian home. We fully embraced living in the 19th Century and did many Victorian era activities from going door-to-door and singing Christmas carols (complete with tops hats and hoop skirts), to hosting a Vintage Base Ball Club playing the American Pastime with the rules and customs of the 1860’s.

Jim has an extensive background in professional photography and videography, including 10 years owning and operating a successful photography studio, plus he spent over 20 years working in the home improvement industry.

Michelle has a background in the sewing industry, she homeschooled our two children, has worked as a Library Branch Assistant for nearly 20 years, and was the Christian Education director at our church.

We raised our son and daughter in this incredible home, but kids do grow up and they are now living on their own. With just the two of us, we found ourselves getting lost in this five-bedroom grand painted lady.

In 2021, while on a two week road trip from Michigan to Arizona and back, we decided to sell our house and downsize to a travel trailer. So, in 2022 we sold our home and began our transition from traditional “sticks and bricks” living to downsizing to fit into a 240 square foot Airstream to travel full time across this vast and beautiful United States.

Why the Airstream?

The legendary quality and the iconic look, made the decision easy. In fact, on that 2021 two week road trip not only did we make the decision to travel full time, but we decided that an Airstream was the best trailer for us. Our most difficult decision was choosing the size. Our trusty and beloved Jeep Cherokee couldn’t pull anything large, so we were initially considering one of the Airstream Basecamp models. But, looking at floor plans and being honest with ourselves that we were no longer in our 20’s or 30’s, we quickly determined that we needed something larger than the Basecamp – and that would be large enough to have a bathroom inside the trailer! A larger trailer did mean that we would need to sell our Jeep and get a larger tow vehicle. The stars aligned and a new custom-ordered Ford truck practically fell into our laps and was destined to become our tow vehicle. Balancing our needs for a highly maneuverable smaller trailer suited for boondocking and a larger trailer with needed room for clothing, computers and extensive camera gear, we decided that a late model 27 or 28 foot Airstream would be ideal.

Jim wanted an Airstream built between 2015, (the first year with ducted air conditioning), and 2020, (before the Pandemic), we began searching in earnest. After many false leads and lost deals (the ups and downs of our search is a story unto itself) we found our perfect Airstream in northern Michigan. 

Meet our “Gemini.” She’s named in honor of the Gemini Spacecraft that carried a pair of astronauts into outer space in the 1960’s. She was easy to name, as we were both born under the Gemini zodiac, and our wedding anniversary is also in June. Just as the Gemini Spacecraft held just two travelers, our Gemini “landcraft” will hold the two us us as we orbit around the United States.

What Lies Ahead?

We plan to visit many places across the United States. We hope to take you along to many unique destinations – some famous and many that are less well known. The United States holds such a vast array of unique cultures and stunning landscapes there’s no way anyone could ever see it all.

We have passed through a season of incredible loss and heartache. We both want to fully embrace whatever the future may hold, for our time here is truly short. Tomorrow is never promised. None of us truly know what lies ahead or what time we have left here on Earth. 

We both sincerely thank you for joining us on what promises to be an amazing journey of discovery – both experienced with our eyes and with our hearts.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.